Nekoshon is the Goddess of emotional well-being, love and social connection. This includes platonic, romantic, and self-love. Her counterpart is Nekoske, who represents physical health and success. They are two sides of a coin, as, for a truly balanced and fulfilled life, you need the two of them to complete each other.
Nekoshon is what it means to feel mayi--content, happy. She lives for the sake of living, loves for the sake of loving. She also does what she wants, doesn't like to stress herself out or force work onto herself, so prayers sometimes go unanswered. Perhaps that is the reason why so many of us lack happiness and love in our lives...But don't worry, Nekoshon always comes down from cloud nine and back into our lives eventually, if not only to laugh at human stupidity.
Nekoshon has love for a lot of things, primarily her friends and family, her favourite colour pink, sleeping in, and probably most of all: herself. She likes to indulge herself and she doesn't look upon things too critically--unless, of course, it serves the purpose of amusing her. Said amusement she finds in teasing her twin Nekosuke, watching silly humans fall in and out of love, or whenever she spots Inumi-chama in his ridiculous bee costume. Her current celebrity crush is Yuki, but don't tell!
All myths featuring Nekoshon as a major part of the story are linked below!